Weirdbook No.19

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  1. WEIRBOOK No.19 - A black ink and gray pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 vellum paper. When I started to think about what to draw for the cover of this fanzine it was Halloween, so I came up with this scary Witch scene.

    Yes, people can be sinners like this witch, or they can be saints, like Mary, I understand that. But I don't understand people who are stubborn . . .

    The most stubborn man in town met the most stubborn woman in town and as fate would have it, they fell in love and got married. After the wedding ceremony and celebration they went to their new home, exhausted from all the activity. The man opened the door, picked up his bride and carried her into the living room . . .

    He put her down, went to a nearby sofa, sat down and said to her, "Go close the door". Which naturally offended her, she sat down at the opposite end of the sofa and retorted, "Why should I close the door, you go close the door!" And of course, they continued to shout at each other, back and forth, "You go close the door!" "No, You go close the door!" Finally, the man shouted "Hold it!, lets stop this bickering! Let's just sit here in silence and the first one to speak has to go close the door." She agreed, and they sat there in silence, staring at each other . . .

    A couple of thieves passing by the house noticed the front door was open and went inside. Seeing the couple sitting on the sofa, completely ignoring them, they stole everything they could carry out the door!

    Later on, a policeman passing by also noticed the open door, went in, and seeing the couple sitting there staring at each other, asked them what was going on? When neither of them answered, he slapped the man to get a response, and immediately the woman shouted, "Why'd you hit him? He didn't do anything!" - The man jumped up with joy and shouted at her, "Aha! You spoke first! Go close the door!"

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